How Your Emails Effect Your Career

Friday, December 7, 2012

How Your Emails Effect Your Career

There are a lot of people in the world who take emails for granted. A lot of times people will disclose things in an email that they normally wouldn't say out loud, especially in a work environment. Others will have inappropriate email addresses that they use for professional contact information. Email can have more of an impact on your career choices than you realize and should be taken seriously.

1. Inappropriate Addresses - More often than not, people will use their inappropriate personal email addresses for contact information on resumes, applications, and more. It is more professional to use your name if you are using a web-based email address than one you use for keeping in touch with friends and family. For instance, the avid hunter who uses john.doe@gmail is more professional than deerkiller101@gmail.

2. Interoffice Communication - Email can easily be used to vent your frustrations out on a co-worker because it removes the interpersonal interaction that comes with a conversation. However, vulgar and obscene emails can easily be forwarded to your supervisor suspending your email privileges or even ensuring your employment dismissal. Take heed in what is being written in an email.

3. It's Not Craig's List - There are several times throughout your career when someone in the office sends out a mass email to everyone stating that he or she has something to sell. While this is a great method for peddling your wares to hundreds of people in a single shot, it is also a great method to aggravate the network administrator. If you have something for sale, post it on a company bulletin board or flyers in the break room.

4. Privacy Disclosures - Did you know that many corporations make you sign a waiver when you're hired about email privacy? Many network administrators monitor email for a variety of reasons and sharing private information with anyone could create an embarrassing scene. Most of the time, emails are scanned for keywords relating to sexual harassment, violence, terrorism, and various other content that could be easily misconstrued and turned against you. Keep your emails professional when communicating with co-workers or clients.

5. Selected Parties - When sending interoffice communications, keep an eye on the recipients. There is no reason to share information with someone who doesn't need to know the material. This could help in miscommunications, gossip, and much more. Important business emails should be copied to management if the content demands their attention. Keeping your superiors in the loop of what is going on can go a long way to show them you respect the chain of command and thought they should be included in the conversation.

6. Style and Tone - When writing your emails, be as literate and grammatically correct as possible. This doesn't mean that you have to be an English Major, but you should steer clear from text slang that many use when chatting. Slang in an email could denote that you are uneducated or don't care about which direction your career could take.

Every day, people use email for a variety of purposes. It's a form of communication to keep in touch with family, clients, co-workers, and more. Unlike a phone conversation, an email can be kept, printed, saved, and forwarded. Take care in what you send or the address you send it from, for it may be damaging to your career.

Author Byline:

Ken Myers writes regularly for “”.  Contact him at

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