Top 5 Tips for a Successful Investment Career

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Top 5 Tips for a Successful Investment Career

A career in financial industry can be exciting and daunting all at the same time. There is no doubting the buzz that one can get from seeking out attractive and high yield investments. However, this is inevitably tempered by the responsibility that only comes with dealing with finances on behalf of someone else.

Whether investing for yourself, others, or on behalf of your business, we looked at five top tips for having a successful career in finance and investment.

Trust Instincts

In a world that is ruled by technology and software, that does the job for us, there is lot to be said for placing trust on human instinct. If you have confidence in yourself and feel good about something, then you have every right to go for it. As with anything, this confidence does need to be justified or else you will find yourself losing credibility very quickly.

Know When Something Is Wrong

While we would always champion the use of human instinct, one of the biggest qualities you can have in the industry is realising when there is a problem. Knowing when to leave an investment opportunity well alone or when to get out is extremely critical. Using financial software can be the key to this, and if disaster is on the horizon you need to be able to rein yourself in.

Engage With Clients

Some people will want to know what you are doing exactly with their money on a detailed level, while others will only care about the returns. It is your job to give any clients or customers a choice, and offer them all of the information they need without asking. If they do not want to know about any investments until they are collecting their profits, then fair enough, however many will prefer a regular conversation and have greater confidence in you for doing so.

Know What will be Popular Tomorrow

Successful people in any walk of life have the ability to sense what is going to happen next and act accordingly. This is true for a successful sportsman right through to someone at the top of an investment bank. If you can sniff out the best opportunities and be on board before the “big boom,” your level of success and credibility will go through the roof.

Admit to Mistakes

At some point, you will get one of the previous four points wrong. If you get it wrong, that is not a problem, as long as you recognise this and know what you need to do to put it right. The key is to ensure that, if you do make a mistake, you are not too hasty in trying to correct it, as this often makes things worse.

Use our five top tips and enjoy a long and successful career in finance and investments.

About the Author:

Rob helps businesses and investors find where to invest.

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