Cheap 4 Home Decorating Tips without Breaking the Bank

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cheap 4 Home Decorating Tips without Breaking the Bank

They say that home is where the heart is. If this is true, then you should do your best to keep your home (and heart) a place that's warm and welcoming. Of course, it's not easy maintaining a home, much less putting effort (and money) into making it aesthetically pleasing. But, if you understand the (relatively) easy and fun ways that you can spruce up your home, I believe the effort is worth it. 

After all, a home is more than just the place you live. A home can affect your mood, as I soon found out after living for a year in a dingy apartment, lonely and depressed, only to find that a simple move in which I put time into decorating it, instantly elevated my mood and made me want to have guests over (in turn stemming my previous loneliness). Here's how to decorate your home without breaking the bank.

1.       You can do more on your own than you think you are capable. Don't hire help.

When many people go about redecorating their homes, they become anxious, because it may be the case that they've never tried doing it before. Many homeowners (or renters) default by hiring someone to help them, whether it’s a professional interior designer, a carpenter, or someone else. You'd be surprised by how much of the quick fix-it’s you can do yourself, which is where most of your costs are saved. 

2.                   If you aren't the "creative" type, ask friends and relatives for suggestions about revamping your home's look.

Perhaps you are hesitating on decorating your home because you don't consider yourself creative. Of course, this is a reasonable fear. Instead of hiring an interior designer, discuss with friends and relatives whose homes' aesthetic you like. A little bit of input from others can go a long way in making your home the way you want it to be. 

3.                   A few simple changes help. Rearranging your furniture and painting rooms can work wonders.

Perhaps you haven't made much headway in redecorating your home because you're fearful about how much time it'll take. The truth is that just a few changes can help a lot. For example, simply rearranging your furniture can really help your home seem more spacious and can help in making it look different. Simple rearrangements or changing wall colours basically cost absolutely nothing!

4.                   Get ideas from the Internet and DIY home makeover television shows.

If the input from friends and family wasn't enough, there're tons of other places to go to for ideas for redecorating your home. The DIY culture is thriving on the Internet (think websites like Pinterest) as well as on TV. Most of these hardcore DIYers were just like you when they started—they had no idea how to go about redecorating their homes. After some helpful tips from this growing community, they found that they really can do it themselves, without spending too much money.

Of course, I'm not trying to minimize the hard work it may take to give your home a new and more refreshing look. But the time and effort put in can also be therapeutic in its own way. Good luck!

About the Author:

Kristie Lewis has a construction management degree. Contact her with your concerns at

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