The Best Advice for Succeeding In a Finance Career

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Best Advice for Succeeding In a Finance Career

In order to succeed in any career, one must have a laser-like focus, perseverance and intelligent decision-making capabilities. What else do you need to ensure a better time while on a finance job? This article talks about the same. 

finance career
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The most common of all career advices that one receives is to do hard work and remain focused. The best things in life take their own sweet time to accomplish and if you are looking for a short cut to succeeding in your career as a financial manager then this article is not the place for you. However, if you are serious about pursuing success and are ready to go the extra mile read on to ensure a long run in the field of finance.

Consider Internships as the Preparing Ground

Internships are often viewed with less seriousness than they actually deserve and that’s where half of the professionals go wrong.  Joining the company as an intern offers you the opportunity to work hands on in a professional environment. Internship will assist you in deciding whether a career choice that you are going to make is worth your time and efforts.  It is just like test driving different possible career options for you.  One of the other significant benefits of the internship is having the opportunity to network with new individuals of the same profession. These new connections can help you gain a new job or even become your professional mentor.  Internship will also help with your resume building efforts. 

Take help of professional resources

In order to find the best internship, you need the reference of useful professional resources. These professional resources can be anything ranging from an excellent online help to a book on finances or an individual you have come to know through networking events. You can also take help of your college teachers or professors for the same. 

Develop a love for technology

There is no profession right now that can run without using any technological aid. No matter where you work, technology savvies are always preferred over non-savvies. The latest technologies like cloud, big data, and all digital analytics all have their applications in the financial industry. Online commercial transactions began in 1995 and now the annual worth of Internet sales is amongst trillions of dollars. As such information and network security is a huge requirement of any financial institution, which apparently requires well learned and technologically equipped professionals. Social Media provides financial institutions with valuable information related to customers. 

Prepare For the Interviews

Once you have made up your mind about being in finance, the next step involves applying for jobs. Start with the easiest choice.  Apply to one of the many opportunities as there are high chances of getting at least an entry level interview offer.

 The next and the most important step is to prepare yourself for the interview process. Make it a point to attend various recruiting presentations made by firms on pool campus events. This will give you an idea about what is expected of the candidates.  Prepare answers for typical questions like “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, “What makes you the best fit for this job?” “Why should we hire you?” Do your due diligence by researching about the firm where you will be going for a job offer. 

Use Your Passion for rising above the Rest

Getting selected for a job and moving up the ladder are two different ballgames. While you are at the starting line of a career, it is necessary to keep your future in mind. You always have to keep your mind and eyes open for opportunities and ways to advance your career. A successful future in the finance sector has a high correlation with your ability to turn your passion into drive. You must regularly update your problem-solving know-how to keep impressing your manager, new recruiters, your customers and clients.  Organizations thrive on employees who are capable of solving problems with little to no-guidance.

Author Bio-

Saurabh Tyagi is a blogger and a professional career author with proven expertise in writing for topics related to jobs, job trends, different job opportunities, various workplace and industry information, tips and strategies for job seekers. 

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