Signs That Signal a New Career

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Signs That Signal a New Career

Most people have days at work where they feel like standing up and walking out the door and do a job hunt, but when do you know it’s time to go? Here are few of the warning signs, when you instinctively look for a job switch:

You’re Always Complaining about Your Job

Image credit: woodsy007 / 123RF Stock Photo

Are the people you choose to talk to at work the ones that, like you, are always complaining about the boss, working conditions, fewer benefits, unreasonable demands etc? When people ask what you do for work, do you open the sentence with a massive sigh, isn’t so? The only positive thing you say about your job is that you get an hour’s lunch break, these are all signs it’s time to go and look for a new career.  

You know you’re Coasting

We all have days when we don’t give our work our best effort, but if your job isn’t even giving you the opportunity to perform at your highest level, that can be a problem. It might be possible to refine this by having a conversation with your head and asking for additional responsibilities, more training or going for a promotion, but if these options aren’t on the plan consider moving on to a new challenge.

You Can’t See Any Future with Your Employer

It’s the question everyone hates: “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?” It’s the kind of question that makes you want to crawl under a duvet, but one you might want to ask yourself. If you can’t see yourself in your current job in 10 years, 3 years or even next year then you need to make a plan. Where DO you want to be in that time? It’s never too early to establish a direction, for your career – if nothing else, it will at least make your current job more bearable.

Pros vs Cons and Cons Win

While simplistic, it can be incredibly useful to create a ‘Pros and Cons’ list if you’re having doubts about your job. To avoid valuing ‘nice toilet facilities’ over a final salary pension scheme, be sure to give each item on the list an importance value out of 5. Once you’ve written it all down add it up and see if the Cons outweigh the Pros. This is a fantastic way to help you focus on real problems at work rather than any temporary emotional factors and could also help you narrow down what to look for in a new job.

Your Salary Just Isn’t Paying the Bills

Ok, so we all need more money, but you should be sure that you are genuinely being paid for what you’re worth in your current position. While money is not always the most obvious reason for changing jobs, it can be an influential factor. Adequate remuneration is an essential part of feeling valued and being underpaid can be demoralising and de-motivating.

Keep eyes on the average salary for your position using job search engines that group similar roles or talk to recruitment agent. If you think you are being underpaid it is always worth speaking to your employer and setting out your case for a pay raise before leaving, employers are a lot receptive to this– it can often be far more trouble than it’s worth to reject a pay raise and see you walk out the door.    

Author’s BIO:

Benjamin Aireporta is a recent economics graduate. He is now the resident head of content with, a payday loans site in the UK.

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