Bargaining Tips while shopping

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bargaining Tips while shopping

Bargaining is an interesting aspect of any shopping expedition, but one should not bargain at every shopping mall. Generally speaking, bargaining should not be exercised at shopping malls. They are only good for street shops or places where bargaining is entertained. Shoppers should be very careful to exercise the bargain process, and must follow the code of conduct before they intend to go for it. A large branded store, for instance, won’t entertain bargaining at any cost. No one can expect to get slashed prices off the tag in a Jimmy Choo leather bag showroom, or a Versace store, unless they have been quoted a discount price.

Shoppers who try to bargain at such branded stores will be looked down, and will not be entertained. Moreover, every country may have their bargaining standards. International bargaining might be different and shoppers who go to other countries should learn about the local shopping rules, before trying to slash product prices. Here are few general tips one should remember, while opting to bargain.

  • ·         The first rule is to remember that a shopkeeper has set up his stall to make some profit by selling a product. He has not opened a stall or a shop for charity. Therefore, bargain with care. Never slash prices too hard to annoy a seller.  

  • ·         Before bargaining for a product, one should at least have an idea on what the price of a product is in other places, and also the quality of a product. Once a person looks at the range of products, he can ask price of couple of products to have a certain idea of what the prices are, and how much he can bargain.

Then he is advised to select a product. Now, there are two ways to bargain. Either he quotes a ridiculous low price of a product, which he has not chosen, and waits for the shopkeeper to say ‘No’, and then switch to the product he has secretly decided to purchase. Bargain for a reasonable price, one which gives both the parties a win-win situation. However, this is an old way to practice bargaining.

  • ·         The second way would be to ask the shopkeeper - the last price that he is willing to part the goods for. There are some shopkeepers who will be firm in their last price quotation, and they will quote a price, which a buyer knows that is final. The body language of the seller will give an indication that he is not going to reduce the price further. Buy the product, if the price seems favourable.

However, if the shopkeeper has a wavering quote, and he gives an indication that he may reduce more, then slash price hard, and see what his reactions are. The chances are that he might part with the product at that point or up the price a little, and then give the product to a buyer.

  • ·         Bargaining is an art. It should not be forced upon, but rather carved out slowly. Shoppers who cannot hide their willingness to buy a product lose their chance for a successful bargain. Keep emotions in check, and always have a laid back attitude when opting to bargain. 

  • ·         A buyer should be sensible enough when he decides to slash price of a product. He should not ignore the seller, or try to undermine him. It sets a bad reputation, and a seller will not take this very lightly. 

Remember that when a buyer bargains, he requests for a reduction in prices. Many buyers command while bargaining goods. Such buyers eventually lose an opportunity to get goods at reduced prices.

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